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Answer Honestly & You Will Find Your Bliss.

May 2, 2012
What humbles you, bringing you to your knees?

What do stand gaping, open-mouthed and in awe of?
Who do you love impossibly and with every inch of possibility?
What rock have lifted to find Grace buried under it, waiting for you to pick it up?

When you bring your hands together,
there, like that~
Whose name is on your lips, as you bow your head closer to your heart?

Who have you lost along the way~
Only to discover Losing is only a temporary room
where voices, smells and gestures nestle before they return
to the bed you’ve carefully made in your heart?

Which words crack your heart open?
Which silences?

What makes you get very quiet and listen as if your life depended on it?

What if it did?

What if it all boiled down to that moment,

there on your knees,
listening with grace?


~~written in a moment of reverence (the theme of classes this week.)
Once again I am falling in love with: my yoga practice, the written word, the spoken word, silence, my body, and my faith in miracles.

jen pastiloff 5-2-12

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  • Reply Tina S. May 2, 2012 at 8:25 pm

    You are so amazing, and I am constantly grateful to have the opportunity to be amazed by you.

  • Reply jamesvincentknowles May 2, 2012 at 8:29 pm

    When I see God in another, I feel Grace shining a light that guides me to see God in all others. It’s a light I know is always there in each of us, if only we can find the way to turn it on. And yes, there is one whose name cracked my heart wide open, her name – her name, is that awesome one that contains all impossibleness and who is entirely all possibility, she. I’m being quiet now, apart the fact, my life mine in whole to give and live, much be thanks, head to chest and hands to heart. What a big surprise~!

  • Reply nikky44 May 3, 2012 at 11:46 am


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