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Daily Manifestation Challenge, Inspiration, poetry

Your Story.

October 21, 2011

Imagine a room.

In that room place a typewriter on a desk

and sit a chair at that desk.

Sit down on this chair and type out the words:


The click clack of keys

takes you back to before

you were who you think you have always been.

Imagine you write the words:

This is the story of an amazing life.

Scoot the chair in a little closer.

There, now you have better light.

Tuck your feet under you and continue.

Imagine a door to the room.

The door opens and someone asks you

if you have finished your story yet.

Without looking up from the typewriter:

I am starting over

you tell them.

Chapter One.

This is the story of my life.

This is the story of an amazing life.

I wrote this poem today to go in conjunction with todays Daily Manifestation Challenge® which is ” what story can you stop telling yourself that isn’t true?” ~JP 10/21/11