Online Courses

Please do not give the password for this page out to anyone. All comments you leave here will only be seen by us as it is password protected.

I am so over excited to be on this journey with you all. Many of you have taken my workshop/retreat but so many of you haven’t been able to yet and this is just the perfect way to get us all together. Welcome to the Pilot of my online series. I am honored you are along for the ride.

Join Jen Pastiloff for an online experience called "Don't Be An Asshole: How to Forget Perfection and Be Human." Email, prompts, a secret Facebook page, videos & connection. $50 for the first 40 to sign up & then $65. Click photo to book via PayPal.

Please leave a comment below where you live right now and what drew you to sign up for this experience (and of course anything else you want to share.)

Again, only WE can see this page. I am so excited to meet you all!

Life is crazy right now. As most of you know, I just had a baby on May 19. But I figured what better time to do an online series, write my book proposal, go back to teaching and to lead retreats. Ha! Bring it, Life! Give it to me!

What I will tell you is this: None of what I do, and I mean NONE, is possible without you. Without connection, community, support, tribe, and trust. That is why I decided to jump in and do this online experience NOW. At at time when I so desperately need connection and help, I figured you might also be yearning for the same things.

You will receive more info as we get closer, but I want to add you to the secret FaceBook page (won’t be active until a couple days before Oct 9th. If you do not want to be in it, you can always leave or turn off notifications but I HIGHLY recommend being in it as so much will happen there.) You will need a journal for this experience as well as some time set aside just for YOU and a sense of humor and an open heart. This is not a “writing” course, per se. Did you read that part? TIME SET ASIDE JUST FOR YOU.

Say it aloud to yourself right now please. I will wait.

“I will not be an asshole to myself. I will take time for me every single day.”

It’s truly an experience about what it means to be human. About letting go of perfection. And not being an asshole, natch. 😉

Experiences like this, where we come together and share our stories, our joys, our shame, our victories, our dreams are VITAL.

Remember what I always say: At the end of my life, when I ask one final, “What have I done?” Let my answer be: I have done love.

That is my intention with all I do.

This is no exception. Even through our screens, we can do that!

I am not trying to change anyone. F that. The world wants to change us enough.

I am simply striving to make us more FREE!!!

I want us to be free so we can take up space in the world, make noise, be self-expressed, and have fun, dammit. The last part if really important to me.

I believe connection is imperative to our happiness and success- and you will see why my workshops are such a hit, even though you will be doing it from your own home.

As Brené Brown says, we are hardwired for connection. You will find it here.

A couple things:

  • My workshop in real life incorporates yoga and body movement so I am giving you a FREE month of online yoga at Yogis Anonymous from October 9- November 9. The password will be: ihavedonelove. (Please do not share any passwords with anyone not in the group.) I have loads of classes on there (and so do many other amazing teachers) and I will sometimes specifically recommend certain classes for you to do. This is a huge deal for me to be able to offer you this yoga deal so I hope you take advantage! Check out the site Remember, the password is not activated until October 9th.


  • My sister is a very successful health coach and does her amazing cleanse a few times a year for $100. many of you have done it with us!! She is offering it to my tribe for %50 off at $50!! It is 12 days and will start Oct 10!! I think this is an incredible way to participate in this experience. Read more about the cleanse here.



  • You will get 40% (OMG!!) off this “I Have Done Love” necklace from Blooming Lotus Jewelry. Please make sure to tag us in pics and let me know if you get one! I have a gold one and I wear it every day. Jennifer Ciraulo, who owns Blooming Lotus was so kind to offer us this deal so please tag her on instagram etc. using #bloominglotusjewelry.
Click necklace to order the sterling silver. 40% off the regular price of $72. Code: IHAVEDONELOVE
Click necklace to order the sterling silver. 40% off the regular price of $72. Code: IHAVEDONELOVE



Click necklace to order the 14K gold filled necklace. 40% off the regular price of $88. Code: IHAVEDONELOVE
Click necklace to order the 14K gold filled necklace. 40% off the regular price of $88. Code: IHAVEDONELOVE



  • You will also receive 40% off a FUCK FEAR & FLY bracelet by The Brave Sparrow.
$21 + shipping. Coupon code will be JP40 The Brave Sparrow " Fuck Fear " Pewter, Leather, 1 Inch Wide Custom fit.
$21 + shipping.
Coupon code will be JP40
The Brave Sparrow
” Fuck Fear “
Pewter, Leather, 1 Inch Wide Custom fit.



  • My favorite hat ever by Conscious Ink pus two tattoos for $20 using code: ihavedonelove
    Bad Ass manifester Hat & 2 Conscious Ink Tattoos
    Bad Ass manifester Hat & 2 Conscious Ink Tattoos



Bad Ass manifester Hat & 2 Conscious Ink Tattoos. Check out the tats here!


I will let you know ahead of time the times that I will be doing LIVE video on the secret FB page. They will remain there so you can go back and watch if you miss the live feed. Please remember that by joining us you have signed the “Don’t Be An Asshole” agreement. In my real life retreats, I remind everyone during opening circle that I will not allow any gossip, cliques, drama, hate or bullshit. Same goes here. This is a loving, safe, and supportive space. Everything that is discussed here is confidential.


This is a powerful, inspirational, energizing tool for growth but are to be used for informational purposes only. Sessions are not a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment. Jen is not a licensed medical practitioner, does not diagnose conditions and does not interfere with the treatment of a client by a licensed medical professional.

Participants bear the responsibility for any decisions they take based on the information provided by Jen Pastiloff and the latter shall not be liable to anyone for any loss or injury resulting from the direct or indirect use of such information.

It is recommended that participants see physicians or licensed healthcare professionals for physical or psychological ailments.

Click to read article.