Workshops Around the World.



New York March 14 Pop-up class. 75 minutes only. Pure East. 7 pm.

New York- March 15th Pure Yoga NYC

London- feb 15, 2014 Lumi Power Yoga SOLD OUT!

London July 6 Lumi Power Yoga BOOK NOW AS IT IS ALMOST FULL!

Dallas. April 19 at The Yoga Movement Dallas sold out

Los Angeles Saturday June 7th in Brentwood Calif 5-7:30 pm. Email barbara at to book or visit or click here!



LONDON!! July 6th

Atlanta Aug 9th Form Yoga

Sep 11 (sold out) and Sep 12th Sioux Falls, South Dakota

NYC Sep 27th Book Here. Pure Yoga West.

DALLAS Nov 1 The Yoga Movement

Miami Nov 8th Corpo Yoga. 

Vancouver Jan 17th (more info soon.)

Jen is the guest speaker at Canyon Racnch in Lenox, Massachusetts as well as in Tucson, Arizona twice a year at each location. Check for info.

Jen does a retreat a year at Kripalu Yoga Center in Mass. Feb 20-22 weekend 2015.

All retreats listed here. (Costa Rica, Italy, Ojai, Vermont and more.)


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