As I start to write my book. Wow, I just reread that sentence: As I start to write my book. Or that fragment of a sentence, which is how I prefer to write. I just reread it, and it hit me… I am writing a book! Get ready world!
As I go through this journey I am going to send out weekly and daily challenges. They will help me as much as they may (or may not) be helping you. I would love people to take the challenges on and comment on what is coming up or how it’s going.
Join me in the Manifestation Challenge! I am committed to releasing the thought ” I am tired.” I constantly say it in my mind, even when I may not be really tired at all. I literally wake up and blurt it out before I know if I am truly exhausted. It’s like a broken record. After a while, I start to believe it. And you know what? If you say it aloud, which I do often… NO ONE CARES! No one gives a flying rat’s a** ( rhymes with grass) if you slept your full 8 hours. I am fully awake, alive and inspired!
I am also releasing the negative thought that I don’t have enough money or I will somehow run out soon enough and end up in a box on the street. That there isn’t enough. Sentence fragment again, I know. It’s how. I speak. With pause. Anything I need is on it’s way. I have an abundance of wealth, financially and otherwise.
Will you join me in the challenge? What thought can you release that is no longer serving you? What are you repeating over and over in your mind like a dingy old broken record from the 80’s? What can you replace it with? What mind virus can you kick to the curb? Which new thought can you place in the vacant apartment where the old negative one used to dwell?
Place your comments below and let me know how it is going. I support you fully. I am on this journey as well, learning how to be the best Jen I can be. You be the best whatever your name is. Unless your name is Jen, then you too can be the best Jen you can be.
Good luck. It may be bumpy but buckle your seatbelt, grab a glass of wine and never, ever stop doing yoga. (Try not to drink the wine and do the yoga at the same time though. Wine AFTER yoga. Repeat.)
Jen you seemed to pull I’m tired out of my playbook. I can start with that one too:)
I’m unlovable. I’ve got a whole list but that might just get embarrassing.
That I’m too old for any man to want to marry me and start a family. I’ve not given up hope, but it is looking grim.
That I make a horrilble intimate partner.
Hi Jen! I also love throwing away “I’m tired.” It reminds me of a former student of mine who used to show up at school repeating “I’m so tired.” We turned it into humor, and he did learn to laugh at himself. Now whenever I find myself thinking of how tired I am, I remember this boy and get a good giggle–hope he is doing the same! Of course, there is a time to claim the “so tired” and get in the bed!
And, oh by the way, a well-placed fragment can have a lot of impact. Much the same as a sentence incorrectly beginning with the word and!
Feeling helpless because I want to understand you (my child) better and I can’t.
Replace with: You are amazing, beautiful, and so talented; I honor you for who you are today!
That I will never make a living on my creative pursuits. Intense fear about money and future.
That getting the job that I want is hard — so very hard — impossible and I might as well give up.
This says it all….The thing that causes me a lot of pain. There is a photo going around with these words on it: “If someone wants to be in your life they will make an effort to be in it. So don’t bother making a space in your heart for someone who does not make an effort to stay”. I have not mastered this yet.
The list is long, but we’ll start with: I don’t have enough $$$. I HAVE ALL THE ABUNDANCE THE UNIVERSE HAS TO OFFER! Love you Jenn, miss you much! <3
i’m with kate: intense fear about money and future. here’s what i can replace it with for now: i have enough for today and tomorrow and probably even the rest of this year. that’s a little bit of the future, no? is ‘for now’ a start? 🙂