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Tuesday, September 10, 2024
HomeContests & GiveawaysYour 3 Words. The Daily Manifestation Challenge.

Your 3 Words. The Daily Manifestation Challenge.

Today’s DMC is a fun one.

What are the 3 words that inspire you most today?

3 words

I challenge you to keep these words with you all day and fill yourself up with them.

In the comment section below list your 3 words. You must list it in the comment section below to be added into the contest to win a spot at the “Manifesting Your Top 1% Workshop” with author Alissa Finerman and myself November 19th.

(I loooooove contests.)

If you are so inspired, for “extra credit”, write a poem below with your 3 words included. You will not be graded, judged or tested on the poem. You will only be Loved.

I ask not that you concern yourself with if the poem is “good” or not. I am simply challenging you to envelop yourself in your words and allow yourself to be creative. You know that old adage: If only the best birds sang in the forrest, it would be an awfully quiet place? (Or something like that.)

My 3 words of the day are: compassion, inspiration, creativity.


Notice how every cell in your body becomes infused with these words and how doors start to open where once there were just walls. Eat your words! Breathe your words! Live your words. Your words become your world.

Or something like that.

What are your 3 words to live by today?



  1. Motivation — Completion — Progress. I will not lie: It sucks being out of work, but using this time wisely to overcome the odds is my path. Thanks to all of the MANIFESTATION tips — am staying balanced, well-rested and productive.

  2. Grounded, Freedom, Stillness.

    The Grass is Always Greener

    If I were a bird, I’d fly high in the sky,
    Twirling and whirling
    Watching the world pass by.

    Oh to be free, like a bird,
    With the wind in my wings,
    But wait,
    What happens when that ecstasy ends?

    I don’t want to be high as a kite,
    Only to fall,
    Crashing to the ground,
    In awe of it all.

    If I were a tree, I’d sit deep in the ground,
    My roots spreading, holding me down.

    Oh to be grounded, like an old oak tree,
    With the sun on my leaves,
    and the earth at my feet.

    But wait, alas,
    I must express,
    To be stuck,
    Standing still,
    Might be nice for a while, but til
    I have a desire to move again.

    And then, and then…
    I’d have no choice.
    I’d be rooted til the end
    Wondering when
    When I might fly like the birds in my leaves,
    Twirling and whirling
    Watching the world pass me.

    Oh to be me,
    The fullest me I can be,
    No watching and waiting
    Waiting to see,
    What I could be
    If the world let me.

    I’m here, I’m breathing, am I not?
    I’m free,
    I’m grounded.
    I guess I forgot.
    Taking a breath,
    Drinking it in,
    I am everything,
    I’m my guru within.


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