Dear Manifesters,
It is my birthday today and I can safely say it is the best birthday I have ever had! What would complete it is if you supported PWS research and bought a Manifestation shirt or bracelet!
My latest TinyBuddha piece got published today, of all days! Here it is.
It is called “The Future is Completely Open” and along with GMA, it is an incredible way to celebrate my birthday! (

I had Good Morning America on my vision board and yesterday we filmed my segment at Equinox South Bay during my karaoke yoga class. My interview is later today. Yes, I visualized it and it happened.
I acted AS IF.

It will air Dec 26th or 27th. I tell you as a reminder that you can manifest anything you put your attention on.
Deem yourself worthy to receive. (Took me a long time to get this one, folks. But I got it now. I am worthy!)
Thank you Wayne Dyer for teaching me that years ago! I look forward to teaching yoga at your conferences, my mentor!
All I want for my birthday is that you buy a Manifestation t-shirt or at least share the link. All money is going to charity for Prader Willi Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder my nephew has, and also to research for Tay Sachs (a fatal disease my friend Emily’s baby Ronan has.) Please consider buying or at the very least sharing and learning what these disorders/diseases are. I sent my first $500 check into the Foundation for Prader Willi Research last week and it felt so good.
You will notice on the Good Morning America segment that I am wearing a Manifestation tank and so is Cameron Mathison. Many of the class did as well and everyone wore their Manifestation bracelet. The bracelets are by donation, with a minimum of $3.

Here is link for tees and tanks. Please feel free to email me with questions and of course, we can ship them. Please specify if you want a tee or a tank in the message.Â

Thank you all for being a part of my life.
Keep manifesting your life,
one laugh at at time.
ps, I am teaching a special birthday yoga class tonight at The Yoga Collective in Santa Monica. Feel free to join us at 8 pm. I will bring shirts and bracelets and a big hug for you.
Have an amazing birthday class tonight Jen. You make me proud.