Today’s guest post is by New York acupuncturist, herbalist and writer Erin Telford. I highly recommend you checking her out next time you are in NYC if you do not already live there.
I love the name of her company: Radiant Heart Acupuncture. I have truly been living my life with a radiant heart lately, and her post today, reminded me of what has already been lying dormant inside of me. Inside of all of us.
As I write my book “I Am-ness” ( due out in 2013) I read posts like these and am reminded why I am called to write that book. She talks about becoming an agent of change in your own life.
I love that. Agent of Change indeed!
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open.” ~ Martha Graham (revolutionary modern dancer & choreographer)
How do those words feel to you? Wow? Hopeful? Comforting? Inspiring?
Give them a minute to sink in. Like really sink in. They are big words and they hold one of the most important messages you may ever receive.
There is only one you. ONLY ONE.
Your soul’s expression is shining and shimmering like sunlight skipping over an ocean. It’s hanging out just waiting for you to give it a portal, a venue, a vintage typewriter, a ridiculously expensive pen, a string to pluck, a giant power desk to sit at, a dance floor, a strong throaty voice.
It’s 2012 and this year is not meant to be taken lightly. We are sitting on a literal goldmine of personal alchemy right now. If this was ever a year to make a major shift, this is the one. The opportunity to burn through old karma and invite major transformation is absolutely available. The atmosphere is charged with unprecedented ways to silence the internal critic and quiet the anxiety that has kept you in a holding pattern.
So in real world terms, when I’m talking about a ‘holding pattern’, I’m talking about “that thing”. You know the one. The thing that keeps you from just walking out of the-office-you-can’t-stand-going-to and moving towards your weird, seemingly impossible, brilliant career idea. The thing that keeps you from going to the gym. The thing that keeps you on Facebook until 2am so you are sleep deprived and depressed the next day. The thing that keeps you in a relationship that’s not helping you thrive. The thing that makes you stop yourself before you tell someone how you feel.
These holding patterns are all about fear and anxiety about the unknown. Uncertainty is VERY uncomfortable. Trying a new lifestyle on for size can feel terrifying. I get it. I would consider myself a big risk taker but I am right there with you on this wild ride. My vow to you is to support you in whatever way I possibly can on this journey. Because we can’t stay in these holding patterns anymore. They aren’t helping us. They are worn out, tired, outdated expressions of ourselves.
It’s time to put on the big girl panties and step into our new shoes. Our power-FULL shoes. You know what your “thing” is. You know you are tired of it. Shake it off. Slough off the old skin. Detach from the old. Radiate. It can truly be that simple. Baby steps are absolutely allowed. This is life long learning. Initiating is the key. Just begin with grace.
The energetic tension that exists can feel uncomfortable. This is good. Lean into it.
Work with it. It’s a bit of a pressure cooker but this is how change begins. You need to be sick enough of the old habits to form new ones. Comfort is not a container for growth. Think of it this way-the more discomfort you feel, the more you are growing and stretching those boundaries.
Step #1 Calls for radical self-honesty.
How will you step out of a rut if you don’t recognize the one you are currently in? Take a peek at those areas of your life that aren’t flowing.
Where is the dis-ease? Where is the struggle? Get really clear with yourself about what you want and where you want to go. Then get real with yourself, maybe even a little brutal, about what’s holding you back. If you can identify those two pieces, you are on the road to becoming an agent of change in your own life.
I wish you-my fellow spirit in this life-joy and abundance in all its beautiful forms and fortitude for your soul’s journey!
Erin Telford, MSTOM, L.Ac.
Radiant Heart Acupuncture PC
Licensed Acupuncturist | Certified Herbalist | Phone: 646.266.4019
214 W. 29th Street, Suite 901 | NY, NY 10001
Erin Telford holds a Masters of Science degree from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York City-a rigorous four-year program that included acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, anatomy and physiology, nutrition, Western disease diagnosis, and treatment of over 300 patients. She is a licensed acupuncturist, board certified herbalist and is trained in Constitutional Facial Acupuncture RenewalTM. She has a private practice at the Classical Wellness Center as well as a practice at Yin & Tonic Acupuncture, a clinic focused on women’s health and infertility.
Erin believes in the powerful healing dynamic between patient and practitioner and the body’s innate ability to move towards balance. She uses a blend of traditional Chinese Medicine and 5 Element techniques to gently bring patients into harmony within their body, mind and spirit. Erin believes her role as a practitioner is to nourish life and relieve suffering of the body as well as the heart.
Jennifer Pastiloff will be teaching at the Tadasana International Yoga & Music Festival over Earth Day weekend on the beach in Santa Monica, CA, April 20– 22. Click here to check out the festival website and purchase tickets. Enter the code Pastiloff for a $50 discount! (Please note that discount codes expire April 1.)
Thank you Erin. This is beautiful and just about how I am thinking right now:)
All I can think of right now having reread your passage above is just how proud I am of the wonderful human being that you have become. I love your down to earth and practical approach to dealing with life’s fears and “that thing” we all have that prevents us from achieving our potential.
You need to be a part of a contest for one of the best blogs online.
I’m going to recommend this blog!
It is beyond cute that my dad and Jen’s mom (who has the same name as my mom!) are commenting on their children’s websites! i love it!
I’m Erin’s aunt , Dad’s sister and I know how proud we are of Erin. Her young life has given her some real difficult challenges, yet she has shown courage and aptitude every step. She has been a curious traveller in the intricate maze of life. She shares her teachings with all her clients and family on her website. Her language is direct and personal giving of her life wisdom. It is refreshing and motivational speaking to the whole person. Wayne Dyer was one of the new age gurus and spoke about these essential truths mentioned in Erin’s article on The First Day of the Rest of my Life. Thank you Erin for carrying the torch to the next generation.
Love S
I remember the Erin from a lifetime ago and I am in awe of the wisdom that you have gained. So much of what you say resonates with me, and I have confronted (and beat) “that thing” many times. There is always a new “thing” to take on… but with the shedding of each we grow just a little bit more. Aki
Great post.