I’m High.
In the sky, that is.
LAX>PHL>NYC (and NJ somewhere in the middle.)
I thought it would be a good time to blog. On a red-eye and all. While everyone is trying to sleep at odd angles with open mouths.
I should be asleep since I have 4 hours until I land and this is the only time I can sleep before I start my day in Philly tomorrow. But the word ‘Should’ is my enemy at the moment so eff it.
Die Should ! Die! Leave the English language already!
Here I am. In the sky. Blogging. Fancy.
I upgraded to get a seat by the window. Not only a window seat but way up at the front. Just one seat behind first class. Just one seat behind that great Divider of a Curtain.
( I’m getting closer……)
In fact, makes it easier to get off the plane. I noticed that when I looked at the seat chart there were 3 empty seats in a row so I upgraded with my apparent “Karma”.
Sh*t! That’s better than first class; that’s a bed. A cheaper bed!
I get here and a woman with a frown is in my new upgraded seat. WTF!
I told her it was my seat, sweetly. She knew but apparently had been hoping I wouldn’t show (flat tire? changed mind? cold feet?) and moved back to her aisle seat with a rolling of the eyes.
There is a seat between us though. That extra seat makes me feel classier.
Again, fancy pants.
Like I got some breathing room to do my blogging. Like I’m important here.
Now, just to be clear I took measures to insure I would be sleepy and thus sleep on this red-eye i.e torture-zone and day-stealer? (You think you get the extra day but really you are so tired you either sleep the day away or are in such a bad mood you realize you should have slept the day away.)
I wanted to talk about Inspiration.
I sent a facebook post out as well as tweet asking people what it FELT like when they were inspired and I almost missed this beloved flight for reading their answers.
Inspiration is amazing like that. You read about it, you talk about it, you remember it and, soon enough: Bam! You are in that “feeling” again.
It’s what happened tonight. Perhaps why, despite my wine, I am not sleepy on my crappy red-eye.
I was so inspired by what everyone wrote that I started buzzing. My own signs of inspiration started to show themselves. (No, was not the wine.)
That is the glorious thing about inspiration as well: when you talk about it, when you listen to stories of inspiration and how it makes people feel, you start to inhabit traits of being in spirit, or being inspired, yourself.
It’s kinda like magic if you ask me.
I had realized this already but I was doing research for my book and wanted to know the different ways it made people feel. So I asked you all. The palpable, tangible, not-so tangible, real life, not so real life, sweaty human and spiritual things it did to a mind, body and soul. I am fascinated by the transformations that occur with us. The physiological and the imagined. All of them.
So I am reading some of these comments and thinking “We should always surround ourselves with people who are feeling this magical, this alive, this inspired.”
Can we choose who to hang with, or more specifically, who we get inspired by?
Can we inspire others to in turn inspire us?
Can just being around these physical traits allow us, to connect, in some small way, to our own inspirations?
Or maybe in a big way?
Is it contagious?
I am rambling from the sky, above a couple clouds at say around 10,000 feet, sitting in seat 10F with my legs up the wall in front of me like I am in a yoga class. I get that my judgement may be questioned. And to that I say “Bring it!”
I am on to something here.
How does it “FEEL” when YOU are inspired?
Look at some these responses and tell me how you could be in any of these physical presences and not start to adapt some of the same characteristics, and, therefore become inspired yourself?
So the question is this: WHO ARE YOU HANGIN’ WITH? (A QUESTION I ASK A LOT)
How does it “FEEL” when you are inspired?
Here’s what my posse said when I posted it on Facebook:
Kami Bacon home
Heather MacDonald a strong urge of self-confidence
Stirling Gardner Connection to something greater than yourself.
Donna Carnahan Excellent question, when inspired I feel that anything is possible, that time doesnt exist, that life is fun…
Lisa Tucker peaceful.
Joe Kara Trust. Obstacles rarely appear, and if they do, they seem insignificant therefore little if any time or energy is devoted to them. Yep. Trust.
Vanessa J. Young Energizing, invigorating, alive, breathe of fresh air.
Jennifer Pastiloff Yoga I feel high when inspired. I feel giddy and quick, I feel powerful and connected and light and on purpose. I feel a deep knowing. I feel like I have had 6 coffees. I feel divine. I feel the MOST ME.
Robin Miller Janota It feels like the Universe expressing itself through my work. Feels like life itself.
Pamela Smith Masters I feel excited and very much alive…almost as if it were a gift from the universe that was given to me to share!
Odile Weissenborn it feels like i’m living in the MOMENT- no yesterday or tomorrow. that plus 6 coffees, like u said
Kelli Caaren It’s feels like “I can do it too.” like no matter how many times I may have settled or given up on something, I don’t have to stay there.
Stacy Seligman Kravitz Connected. Alive. Excited. Tingly and energetic. Passionate to take action and be intentional.
Angie Gardner Bliss.James Vincent Knowles it feels like the first time, every time. it feels like flying dreams. it feels like falling in love, love that gets better whenever you are near, even when you’re not. it feels like a warm smile from an old friend. it feels like a kiss from a new lover. it feels like a surprise gift from the heart … and it is.Sydney Coale Light It feels like there are no obstacles, like pure freedom, being completely present and in the flow, like a deep breath of life-force, like you and your dreams are one… inspiration and love are the same… inspiration is connected to a feeling of love for what you witness, whether it is dance, music, writing, nature, or perhaps an act of pure heroism or compassion… you can also be inspired by seeing something you do not like, and seeing that inspires you to change the world. Either way, it, ‘in-spirit-a-tion’, is from your soul, and it is love.~~~~~So those are just a few of the tons of responses I got. I am doing research for my book but in the meantime becoming a better person and learning so much more about the person I want to be.
I feel these words already…“But we can’t be inspired all the time? Can we?“My response is “Why the eff not?”If we start consciously surrounded ourselves with people that are inhabiting these feelings why shouldn’t we allow them to be contagious? It’s like what they say about a “vicious cycle” except this one is an “inspiration cycle.”Ah, sweet turbulence. The more I travel the more I am okay with it but boy oh boy am I bouncing up here in my chair in the sky.I will leave you now simply because it is too turbulent to type. Tell me, if you would, what it feels like, in your body and mind, i your brain, in your fingers and eyes, in all areas what “inspiration” does to you?Can we call upon it as needed?( I need some now on this Delta flight so let me know.)Love jp
Inspired – knowing that the thing I want to do is possible and I can do it – no doubt no question – that the path is there and my feet are planted firmly on it.
Inspired – knowing that the thing I want to do is possible and I can do it – no doubt no question – that it belongs to me already – that the path is there and my feet are planted firmly on it..
Inspired – knowing that the thing I want to do is possible and I can do it – no doubt no question – that it belongs to me already – that the path is there and my feet are planted firmly on it.
Thanks for sharing the joy of inspiration with us Jennifer, reminding me how close it can be to tune in to. Love your blog and the friends who read and contribute to it. Blessings and energy to you today…..
I think “high” is the perfect description of how I feel when I’m inspired! Makes sense too…since we’re literally INfused with SPIRIT. No wonder we feel “lighter” and “higher”. And, of course, no hang over! As we would get from imbibing false “spirits” we often choose instead.
And why not feel this high all the time? I believe THIS IS our natural state…feeling fully ALIVE. We’re the ones that pop (usually subconsciously) a bunch of “downers” (figuratively, and for some, literally).
Thanks for sharing…really funny too!
As always your blog is such a great read…it always inspires me!! 🙂
Safe travels…xoxoxo
Jennifer, as you know, several months ago i accidentally-determinately : ) ran across your blog. the authenticity of your posts, & posts by your friends, have inspired me tremendously. you really, truly are onto something! and you’ve described what i believe is one of the most important, positive & transformational things that can be created in life. surrounding ourselves with people who are alive, who feel, who appreciate one another’s inspiration.
the flow & vibe that you convey in words & pictures is truly inspiring. and as i write this thank you note, John Lennon’s IMAGINE comes to mind. so i’m playing it right now. idealistic? … yeah, yeah, so what? hahaha … i’m a dreamer. but okay, at least i know i’m not the only one. and what’s really amazing is how you demonstrate, over & over, how dreams can, indeed, be manifested.
and yes, it IS contagious~! omg~!!! yesssssss, it is~!!!