F*ck the margins! I loved the idea so much that I used it as a theme in my yoga class last night. She then texted me, “Who decided that we need margins anyway?”
Sommer is a gifted writer and yogi. It is my great pleasure to introduce her to my tribe. Hers is a story that many of us can relate to. Be it addiction or struggles with weight or self-love, Sommer’s piece will most likely resonate with some “Aha moment.” I won’t share too much of it. That’s her job, her work. Plus, you can come with us to Maui and her hear give a lecture or take her class. Here is however, a sneak peak…
Tapestry by Sommer Wayne Dyer.
I am where I am today in a brand new way.
And it keeps getting better, this road that I travel.
I am so grateful for the feelings I am now experiencing.
I thought I had depleted all the good feelings.
I was wrong.
I am humbled by mistakes.
They are mine and I stand by them.
They stood by me, my mistakes did, for entirely too long.
For quite a while I let my mistakes and choices define me.
I was always looking to feel something else, to want more,
to be different than the way I am.
For years I was altering the person who is naturally me.
I’m not sure why since everything I’ve been looking for was already inside: the soul that is me.
But life blocks it sometimes.
Sometimes things wound us in a way that we are forever different.
Sometimes I just wanted to be numb.
So I made sure of that.
But those years are in my past, my “story”.
Now I’m finding the ride no longer bumpy, but noticeably smoother.
I am in a space that I want to be in.
I am humbled.
Issues with the body, the vessel I reside in.
Injuries and medications.
And the weight and the way I allowed my appearance to define me.
The weight lost, the weight gained. Either way it’s a new perspective.
I don’t care what anyone says.
It’s mental and emotional and physiological and biological and physical.
And it’s all rational to my bewildered mind.
It can be anything: money, body image, weight loss, exercise, sex, drugs, gambling, any obsessions, goals, or lifelong dreams.
Anything that consumes you completely that you think of daily, sometimes constantly.
An urge you must accomplish.
But it’s also ethereal. It exists, yet no one knows.
It can consume your waking moments
And no one knows.
It causes moods to shift from the lowest dwelling imaginable to the most elevated levels of peace.
It’s an ally. Trust me. This insatiable urge inside of me, for whatever I was doing at the time, always got done.
And so it continues.
But from completely different motivators I am taking action.
I am improving.
I am not only losing weight. I am losing fear and doubt. I am gaining strength and passion. But I have no regrets or shame.
Everything I’ve gone through had to happen just as it did for me to be here now.
And right now, I’m loving it.
I like myself enough to listen to my intuitions.
I trust myself enough to know that I can do things gracefully.
I love myself enough to be careful with myself.
I want to write. I am ready to share what I saw on the roads and trails where I meandered.
I am ready to share a story about what I’ve put myself through.
It’s unbelievable that I sit here. My choices have illustrated this tapestry of my life that is tragic, yet beautiful.
A struggle we all have in this life, and one that we ultimately overcome.
When that struggle becomes your purpose you know that you are your own ally.
Make something big out of it.
Whatever it is that nags you or pulls your heartstrings every so often.
Let that purpose become your passion.
And the passion I have for what I feel is my purpose is palpable.
I’ve gone through a lot of shit to get where I am today. I survived a lot. So yeah it drives me.
So I no longer sit with a pen and a heavy heart and wilted soul. I write with pride and amusement. I write with integrity.
Even though my insanity was blissful in a way.
I had long ago abandoned myself in search for someone else.
But the person I was searching for was the potential me.
The person I knew that I could be and one day I would be.
And that day has come.
The time has arrived.
I choose to mindfully do my best.
I choose me.
Therefore I am free.
I am that I am.
Sommer Wayne Dyer 10-18-12
***To join Sommer and I (and special guests) in Maui please put a deposit down by clicking here. We will be at Lumeria the new Luxury retreat center with The Travel Yogi. My retreats have been selling out very fast and we only have a few spots left so book soon. This will be a life changing retreat. Email jen@thetravelyogi.com for more info. https://thetravelyogi.com/adventures/hawaii/
Okay let me say how much I love these beautiful words and how much it resonates with me. Thank you Sommer.
Inspiring words from an inspiring soul. With deepest gratitude to the Dyer family. Life is abundant, thank you for teaching me this!
That dialog was beautiful and you are beautiful!
awesome sommerage! 🙂 thank you, it’s a pleasure to read your words and find guidance through your experiences – much love to you and your family, keep soaring and knowing that you are that you are that you are, seeing the fulness of the space you occupy and share, like a grey heron. loving leaves little room or time for nonsense, i enjoy the thought of you dosing your world with love. so powerful…
look forward to reading more!
Sommer, all of our struggles shape the mind. The mind injures deeply our will. Quieting the mind with the simple question, “Who is asking?”, restores the silence
to reverberate into our source – our soul, our oneness. Ah . . . there we sit quietly
and WATCH the thought disappear. The will begins to strengthen and our joy
awakens again. Whenever we begin to slip, just ask that question and, in the
stillness, notice nothing needs to be done. There we will find all answers . . .
And inner peace. Please read Michael Singer’s book, “The Untethered Soul”.
Love, Mom
Thanks mom, and thanks j ruthie, Rachel, Joshua, and Barbara. Life is hilarious. I’m so glad I’ve found my laugh again. Love to you all. Mom I am reading it!!! ;)))