Love this blog about my Manifestation Yoga Retreat last week by one of my favorite people ever, Kate Mcclafferty. Kate also happened to get engaged the day she got home from my retreat!
Click here to read the amazing blog.
I leave in 2 weeks for a sold out retreat to Bali but I have a few more coming up.
In February I have 2 retreats!! One in Masachusetts at Kripalu for a weekend Feb 1-3) and one Feb 16-22 in Maui which is almost full so email je*@th***********.com asap. You can also click here and just deposit for Maui as it is booking up fast.
I also have another Ojai retreat for Mother’s day May 10-12 (like the one Kate wrote about here) and you can register now by clicking here. They sell out very very fast. We will honor thy mother during this weekend!
I also have my annual Italy trip! Click here to sign up or for info. It is life changing and FUN!
Keep manifesting bunnies and check out Kate’s blog. She is my fave! xojen
I wish I could come to Bali with you!!! I know it’s going to be an amazing trip. If I don’t see you before you leave have an amazing trip!!! Love you