Hey my beloved Tribe,
This is a video interview I did with my dear buddy Chuck Peterson last summer that was previously for sale but I am posting it here FREE because I love the bleep out of you.
If you are looking to build your following at all, check it out. I hope you find it useful. Love you guys. PS, have you done any of my classes online at Yogis Anonymous? Here they are. Use code jenp10 and get 10 free days!!
Feel free to share this! I am headed to the east coast April 1-9. Massachusetts, NYC, Philly and NJ. Stay tuned xo jen
This is great! THANK YOU
Thank you, I enjoyed this!
Chuck is great.
the more authentic we are, the more self-expressed we can be. yes! thank you! i can feel it happening to me as i grow more comfortable in the skin i cursed most of my life. i can be me and not feel bad or apologize for it. that is freedom!
Reblogged this on Ujjayi Life and commented:
Giving, Beautiful, Talented and Smart! Jennifer Pastiloff so generously shares her tips on Building a Following!
This was great…..completely agree and thanks for keeping my mind on track!
Reblogged this on Follow Me Films and commented:
I’m obsessed with Jennifer Pastiloff–you should be too!!