Hey tribe,
So I posted a ridiculous video of me dancing in my socks in my living room yesterday. And no, not like Tom Cruise in Risky Business. I had yoga pants on and a cowboy hat though. Total dorkfest. I posted it on my Facebook fan page and the response was overwhelming. People went Ca-Razy. You don’t need permission to be a dork. At least I don’t. You can watch my dork video here.
So I challenge you. Post a video of yourself dancing or being a dork and use the hashtag #daretobeadork. Post it on instagram and follow and tag me with @. I am @jenpastiloff there. Or post it on my FB page here. Justine took my challenge and sent me this video this morning. The video looks better on my FaceBook. For some reason Youtube made it weird. Click here to see the viral action!
I posted it on my page and it has gotten over 65 thousand views in a few hours and is going viral. Her dream is to make it to the amputee conference. Here is what she wrote on her GoFundMe Campaign:
Hello everyone, and thank you for checking out my GoFundMe! I’m Justine Clifton and I’ve been an amputee for about 16 years now. At the age of 9, I had to have my left foot amputated, due to birth defects. I was also born with short arms with only two fingers on each hand, hence the nickname T-Rex! J Despite my differences, I’ve always had a good attitude about life, but I still sort of felt alone because I was the only t-rex amputee at my school and didn’t really know any other amputees until I was 20!
Now that I am older and have fully accepted my differences and have learned to love myself BECAUSE I am different, I cannot wait to meet more people with the same outlook on life! I am 25 years old now, and try to get involved with every organization and event for amputees as I can to help raise awareness, and learn more about myself and others! I am also going to school to be a Prosthetist! I am so excited about this career path and cannot wait to give back to the community! There is no greater feeling than being with a whole group of people that have overcome their own obstacles, which makes them love and appreciate life much more because of the challenges they’ve faced. The atmosphere is infectious! That is also what the Amputee Coalition of America is all about! Bringing people together from around the U.S. to hear other’s stories, learn about new prosthetic technology, participate in adaptive sports and mobility clinics, and more! I have the opportunity to be a part of this for the first time in my life this summer if I can raise enough money to attend the 2015 Amputee Conference in Tucson, AZ. Unfortunately, I am a full time college student, living paycheck to paycheck, and do not have the extra funds for this experience.
My goal is to raise $1,450 for the conference:
Conference ticket: $280
Hotel fees: $114 for 5 nights: $570
Round Trip airfare: $600
**If I am unable to raise enough in time for the conference, donations will go toward starting the JusTrex brand for my YouTube channel. **
I am so thankful for any donations, if you would like to contribute.
God bless!
Justine Clifton
Wanna help me support her? Click here and share the video to really make it viral. >> https://www.facebook.com/JenniferPastiloff/videos/vb.113021315913/10152979665940914/?type=2&theater.
Please post your video and remember to use the hashtag. There’s lots of stuff happening on Instagram. I am also announcing the winner of my retreat contest tonight over there. You have a few more hours so head over to @jenpastiloff on Insta. Love you guys. xo Jen

I love meeting amazing people here.