Melissa is creative introvert who mistakenly thought she was an extrovert. She is a seeker of sorts and a purveyor of “me toos”. She is an artist in constant search of the things that bring her spirit alive…like jewelry making, painting, writing and the color Turquoise. Born and raised a New England girl, but these days you can find her in beautiful Northern Virginia where the skies come alive at sunset and where lovers fall for the lush, rolling landscape and nearly every road leads to a vineyard. Her commitment to cultivating human connection through the power of words and images can be seen in all her projects. She fiercely advocates for more honest and open discussions about the consequences that things like cancer and mental health can have on women. When her own experience didn’t match the common breast cancer narrative it was a hard, but avoidable wake-up call. The disconnect sprung her into action and she co-founded The Underbelly to provide the community with much needed realism about breast cancer. You can connect with Melissa at The Brave Sparrow on Instagram and at theunderbelly.org