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And So It Is, Owning It!

What is Your Truth?

November 12, 2012

I love Jenni Young. She took my words and made a poster with a photo she took of me!


What is your truth?

Not everything fades away. In fact, what is most true doesn’t.

What is most true always finds you no matter how long and far you try and run from it.


This quote from my essay entitled “Update Your Vision”. Click here to read and please feel free to share. I would love to hear below what your truth is. I will start. My truth is: I am a writer.

Your turn…

Tweet me @JenPastiloff your truth with hashtag #MyTruth by clicking here.

And So It Is

Getting Lucky.

November 8, 2012

Thank you soul sister Jenni Young for making this poster for me. Click to connect with

Earlier today I found myself muttering How did I get so lucky? as if it was something I stumbled on by chance. I didn’t just get so lucky. I realized that there is no just getting.

I visualized this life of mine that now feels so natural I can’t imagine it any other way. I said “And so it is” over and over.

And then there was this: I Worked My Ass Off.

And I continue to do so.

Oh. And I love what I do and do what I love.

Tweet me #iLoveWhatiDoiDoWhatiLove now. Copy and paste if you want. I am at @manifestyogajen. Click here. Let’s do this folks! Thanks Wayne Dyer for teaching me that mantra of course.


Guest Posts Photo Shoot

October 15, 2012

Here are just a few shots from the amazing shoot I did with Jenni Young of

I am over the moon with the way they turned out. I am so lucky to have teamed up with Check out their site!

I am wearing a gorgeous mala designed for me by Blooming Lotus Jewelry.

This one is by Bryant Mcgill. Click to connect with him.






Please like their Facebook page. They are amazing and I am endlessly grateful.

Awe & Wonder

Be Awe. Be Wonder.

September 27, 2012

Awe & Wonder


Jenni Young of made me this poster using my words. Love it and her. Check the page out. Photo taken at Le Bristol Hotel in Paris July 2012 by Sami Kemel.


Also, my latest is up on Owning Pink. Owning Pink is an amazing site by one of my very favorite bloggers and people ever: Dr. Lissa Rankin. Click here to read. Would love your comments and support on it. Please leave on Owning Pink site and not here.

Click here to own some pink, yo!

Love and a whole lotta salt-n-vinegar chips,
