Happy Thanksgiving my Dear Manifesters!
I just got home from teaching a very powerful Gratitude themed Thanksgiving class where everyone wrote on stickie notes what they were grateful for. Our practice was surrounded by words of gratitude. Sometimes the notes fell off the wall and it was as if it was raining gratitude.
It was of a “class” per se, and more an “experience”, as most of my classes are morphing into these days.
Thank you all for allowing that to happen. At one point we all were singing (a normal occurrence in my class.) We were singing ” Your Song” by Elton John. I started to get teary eyed because it made me think of my dad.
And then I realized that Thanksgiving, for as happy as it makes me, also makes me feel a bit sad, melancholy even.
I remember why.
My dad passed away in July. 1983. I refused to deal with it. When they told me he had passed away in the night I simply said I don’t care.
The farthest thing from the actual truth. But I was 8. Forgive me.
It wasn’t until Thanksgiving, months later, when we were all sitting at our turkey dinner, that I turned to my aunt and asked: Where is my father?
It was as if I finally noticed.
I ran away and hid in my room and sobbed and punched the walls and the air. I punched everything.
How would I ever feel ‘thankful” again? I thought as I cried into my shag carpet.
So Thanksgiving sort of equals that experience for me, Manifesters.
So here goes:
Dear Daddy, I hope you don’t mind
I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you’re in the world.
Todays’ DMC: In the comment section below please share what you are grateful for? And please please, tell the people you are grateful for just how wonderful life is while they are in the world.
I am grateful today for:
My husband.
My dad, for the 8 blessed years I had and for his passing his sense of humor on to me.
My health.
My hearing aids.
My sister.
My nephews.
My mom and Jack.
That people are buying Manifestation t-shirts to help find a cure for Prader Willi & Tay Sachs. (Buy one here.)
That I get paid to do what I love over and over.
Snow Patrol. (The band in case you don’t know. And if you indeed do not know, then get to know!)ย Last December, they donated a signed guitar, by all members in their band, to ย be auctioned off at my charity event for GAMEyoga.org (free yoga for kids with special needs.) Not for publicity, not because they had to. Just because. Get to know their music. True RockStars.
That I have a “family” family in Philly and NJ and a family at Dhayna Yoga.ย
That I am going to be on Good Morning America.
Good wine, good coffee, Modern Family, great music, Italy and my retreats there, swimming in the ocean, skype, kindness, stickie notes, my bed, my home in Santa Monica.
I could keep going but I want to hear yours…… So share!
Im grateful for the tears streaming down my face, Jennyjenp!!! Love you so. I am also grateful to live a creative life. It has taught me faith. I am grateful every day, but especially today for the most amazing friends a gal could have. Really sooo very blessed. Love to all and Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m grateful for knowing love is all around me & being able to see, hear, smell, taste, feel it & be aware of it, even when alone. I’m grateful for knowing forgiveness is in my heart and for the patience & understanding it gives me to know it is in everyone else’s heart too. I’m grateful to be fully conscious that my existence is filled with meaningful purpose and the desire and intention to risk giving it over in order to make even the smallest contribution. I’m grateful for every heartache and every betrayal, for the pain of these these have led me on a journey to discover tranquility and joy here and now. And I’m grateful for being able to say I’m sorryโฆ for knowing I’m not perfect but that i’m still responsible for every little hurt I’ve caused others. And finally, I’m grateful for all those whom I’ve met and have yet to meet along this journey; you’ve all enriched my soul.
This hit me hard, so I’m sitting here typing on my iPhone so grateful for the empathy to cry wen I read about someone else’s pain, grateful I have the fingers to type it, grateful for the means to afford an iPhone and wifi, grateful for the day ahead with my boyfriends family and grateful for all of the beautiful people in my life (yourself included!).
Happy, blessed, amazeballs thanksgiving to you!
I am grateful for my 8 beautiful grandchildren and my great grandson and most of all my daughter and best friend Deana. They are my world!!!
Being alive, healthy and happy enough to enjoy your Tuesday night gratitude flow (I got teary eyed during “Your Song” too) and all your yoga classes, my best friend Kelly, my grandma, my cat (and all animals), you for changing my life, being able to feel gratitude and be a part of this amazing world.
By the way, I put my sticky note from class up on my mirror, so that I can look at it every morning when I wake up.
You’re amazing, and I’m so grateful to you!
I am grateful for music, for love, that I have the means and ability to bring joy to so many people by singing as my job, for my boyfriend, for my amazing family, for the incredible, inspiring friends I have all over the world, for tea, for yoga, for my health and my strength, for dance, and for my ability to feel all the joy that life has to offer! And I’m grateful for you and your blog, as is it is a constant source of inspiration for me! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!
I am grateful for every experience I’ve ever had, because they are all uniquely mine and helped to create the person I am today. I am grateful for my house, my cats, my family, my absolutely amazing friends, my practice, my mentors, every one that shows up at classes, the inspiration that flows into my life through the people I know that are living their passion. I am grateful for my desires & emotions because they show me where to go. I am grateful for music music music… and all the beautiful souls that create the sound track to my life. I am grateful for each breath that I take. Love Love Xo
I ย recall the july sunrise on my 13th birthday as vividly as if it were yesterday. It became clear that day that each sunrise was a gift from the universe. My (our) gift is never more precious than when we are together… linked by common intentions, and surrounded by love.
Thanks to Jen for sharing her passion ย and raising our awareness on this special day.
ย In gratitude for (and to) eternity,
Deb D
I am thankful that my Dad is not in physical pain as cancer claims him more and more each day. I am thankful that I have had 35 years with him. ( Jen I know Mel was not with us long but I remember him fondly) I am thankful there are warriors like Rachel that are hungry for a cure. I am thankful for all who spread awareness and are passionate. I am thankful for the ability to hope for better and the strength to strive for it. I am thankful.
What real words, my dear friend. Your honestly is paving the way for others. I am sorry you lost your Dad so suddenly. As I am sorry for me too. But I do know they are with us if we want them to be.
I’m grateful for your Good Morning America segment that I just watched.
I’m grateful for giving you one of my new books.
I’m grateful for my break out role that I just shot that lends me even more work.
I’m grateful for our awesome heath, food choices, and yoga!
I’m grateful for our Santa Monica places.
I’m grateful for our Dads.
I’m grateful you are willing to share of yourself.
Truly honest, touching(because of the honesty) and badass Honey Badger good! Congrats on GMA!
I am grateful to have come across this blog and be reminded of my love for all things in my life, great and small, especially for the people I love so dearly. And for truly believing I am the richer in life for following my bliss through my yoga.