It’s been way too long my dear Manifesters since I have put out a DMC: Daily Manifestation Challenge.
I just returned from the best retreat I have ever led, and I have led 10 in 2 years! Xinalani Retreat in Mexico opened my eyes and my heart to beauty and possibilty. The group I brought became such a family that as I write this I feel a slight ache for them. Okay, it’s not so slight. It’s pretty profound.
I was listening to Wayne Dyer in the car today (big shock I know, I never talk about him.) He was talking about detaching from the outcome. He said that it is not our job to ask How? or When? but to say YES!
I loved it so much I brought it as a theme to my morning class. I asked the class to use it as their daily mantra when the hands came to prayer during the flow. Yes!
Where can you say yes in your own life?
A big fat resounding booming Yes?
Maybe you don’t even know what you are saying yes to yet.
But, if you remain open and willing and connected to Spirit or Source ( or Love or G-d) or however you want to think of it, you will be knocked over with joy. If you have a Knowing that what you desire also desires you, then when it shows up it will be like putting on an old sweater you thought you had lost and sitting down to a glass of pinot with a dear friend. It will feel like it has always been.
You will be walking down the beach and will have to stop for a moment to take it all in; the glorious accidents that are not accidents at all but a willingness toward love which you have caused.
You will be eating a meal and will look over at a pair of eyes across from you, allowing the light to flicker in a way that makes you put your fork down, reach over and touch their face. There, just like that. Just a simple stroke, enough to say You showed up in my life at exactly the right moment before picking up your fork and finishing your fish as if there were nothing better in the world than that moment. And there isn’t. There can’t be.
One of my favorite lines by Mary Oliver in the poem “Mockingbirds” is:
how the old couple
had almost nothing to give
but their willingness
to be attentive–
but for this alone
the gods loved them
and blessed them.
Their willingness to be attentive! How I love that! It wasn’t their clean house or the meal they’d prepared or the thread count of their sheets or their smiles. It was their willingness to be attentive. Their willingness to say yes and pay attention.
Today I ask you this: Where can you release your attachment to outcome? Where can you just say yes without worrying for the how?Â
This is not to say for us to sit back and wish for something without doing any work. It’s to say that we must, as Dr. Dyer speaks up, make conscious contact with G-d or love or whatever your name for it may be. We must be willing. We must pay attention. We must keep that YES echoing through the chambers of us, through the halls of our desires and the doors to our wants. By detaching from the outcome and being attentive, we open ourselves up to all the beauty and all the accidents that I am damn sure are not accidents at all.
Today I am saying YES.
I am saying Yes to:
Unconditional love
Belly Laughs
Deep connections
Eye contact
Quieting My Mind
Writing My Book
Singing During Yoga
Staying in Touch with People who matter to me
Spreading my message through the world.
Starting a family and continuing to thrive in my career and travels
Loving what I do and doing what I love.
Jumping, for joy.

In the comment section below add what you are saying Yes to. No buts or what ifs or hows allowed. Just yes!
Jen, you covered so many bases with your Yes List! I will be saying Yes to many of the same things!
I say Yes to:
My soulmate
Writing my book
Doing a headstand
Financial prosperity
Clients that stretch and grow my limits
Going to Thailand in 2012
Freedom from anxiety
Deepening my calming practices
Returning to my center
Physical strength
Love of all kinds
Deep restoration and rejuvenation
Things falling into place
Guest posting on many many blogs!
Becoming a leader in my field
YES you can have it all and you are living it. Loved connecting with you and keep doing and manifesting. You are joy. lovelove and peace- Lara
Yes! My sweet daughter is full and has been often. For me, that is all the yes I need for a while. Yes, to you and Rachel for taking “me” time, it is so needed. Yes, you rock!
You really are quite inspiring for a chick I’ve yet to meet, Jennifer~! Just the right vibe at the right time~!!!
Tranquility of mind
Self-control in thought & deed
My motto at all times: “If it flows, it goes.”
Smokeless lifestyle
Open, honest, real connections
Substantial over superficial
Deep over shallow
Vibrant Life – Vibrant Beingness
Soft Heart
Pliable Mind
Bright Soul
Be Present
Daily Creative Work
Give Love
Receive Love
Laugh about some-dam-thing at least once a day dammit
Give m
Bringing balance to my life and using my gifts to bring this to the lives of those I touch, attracting peace, joy, and abundance…HECK YES!