My latest blog is up on Positively Positive today! Please leave your comment there. It is such an honor to write for that site.
Challenge: Finish the Sentence: “I am __________ .”
I first heard Wayne Dyer ask this question at one of his conferences:
“Who would you be be if nobody told you who you were?” (in his shorts and cute little flip-flops.)
Holy Sweet Downward Dog, I don’t know the answer. I don’t know who I’d be.
At that time the question blew me right out my seat.
I came back to my seat fully inhabited as somebody else.
You mean I get to decide who I am? I get to say who I am in the world rather than simply letting someone tell me?
What the what?
Click here to finish reading blog and to leave your I am-ness.
I will leave it here too. I am an amazing mother.
I am James Vincent Knowles, a seer and a seeker of goodness, kindness & love. A hard-core, powerful seer and seeker. An amorous, un-armored, sword wielding dragon slayer. An artist and an author. A soulful lover. An old soul growing younger daily.
How do I get the temporary tattoos? I am a mess right now but I want to be MORE.