Happy Thanksgiving! I realize many of the readers of this site are not in The U.S. so I have also named this holiday The Don’t Be An Asshole Day because really, what better day to not be one? To be grateful? It’s a perfect day to NOT be an asshole.
Last night I was talking to one of my most cherished friends (Annie Sertich) about the joys of getting older. I am being a bit sarcastic (crows feet, drooping eyes, receding hairline, ext) but hear me out: I am very grateful to get older. My dad did not get that. He did get to say, “Wahhh, poor me, I am turning 40.”
Getting older is a joy. Even if sometimes the things that happen to our bodies and skin and hair and all the rest don’t feel like it. It’s an honor.
My hair is thinning. Whatever. I am no longer 21. I need to not be an asshole. I have hair.
I realized when Annie and I were talking that I (we, all of us) can always look for the silver lining. Like, I may not have  aton of hair anymore of the top of my head or around my forehead but I got a wicked pair of sideburns.
So, there’s that.
Seriously, don’t be an asshole. Be grateful. Post below what you are grateful for. I am grateful to you. And to wine and my sideburns and my family and this blog and for hearing aids and candles and coffee and that Benny is getting so many princess presents in the hospital (click here if you want to know about sweet Benny.) And I am grateful to and for my husband and the fact that I have created a platform for writers of all race, color, creed, age, sex, sexual orientation, education, etc. I am grateful for acupuncture and Xanax when needed and days off and the fact that I get medical insurance through Equinox (especially last year when I had an ectopic pregnancy and a broken foot.) I am grateful that I have a roof over my head and clean water and so much.
So much.
I’ll keep going. But out here in real life. I’m going to go live my gratitude now in the real world rather than being an a-hole and sitting on my bed with my coffee and pajamas. Oh yea, I am so so grateful to coffee. Dear God, am I ever!
Thank you for so much. I want to hear your list. Come on now. DBAA! xo jen

THIS LIST IS AMAZING. I love being reminded not to be an asshole. I hope you invent a way to transplant your sideburns to the top of your head one day.
Here’s to many more moments of catching our ‘assholed-ness’ and laughing.
Nice sweatshirt asshole.