By Jen Pastiloff
Are you a facer or an avoider? Me? I am mostly an avoider but I work real hard, real hard, to be a facer. The TRH Policy: Try Real Hard Policy.
Facing our shit can be painful and uncomfortable and not very much fun, but in the long run it’s the avoidance that causes the pain. I am the Queen of Avoidance. Today I slept for 4 hours so I wouldn’t have to deal. What happened? Nothing. It was just 4 hours later than it was when I went in to “make my bed.”
What are your thoughts? Let me know after you watch the video.
Post in the comments below what you have been avoiding.
What you are ready to face.
What you are scared to face,
And anything else you f*cking want! Word.
I love you. xo Jen
Living life happy.
Being loved
Mad props for all you share Jen. ♡