Compatibility Guaranteed!
1. How do you feel about sex during a woman’s period?
a) It works for me.
b) Natural birth control. Except for that once.
c) Anyone but Harvey.
2. With whom do you empathize?
a) Super models, because they are always aware of their own minute by minute obsolescence.
b) The dust bowl victims in the thirties, because John Steinbeck is such a classic writer.
c) Yourself, of course.
3. What do you admire most about bedbugs?
a) Their lack of creepy rodent tails.
b) Their ability to survive dormant for decades before they freak you out.
c) That their presence says nothing about any deficiency of housekeeping skills, since even the laziest housekeeper doesn’t toss human blood around and that’s what bedbugs eat.
4. Which body part of your own do you consider irresistible?
a) The vein at the crook of your left elbow.
b) The cartilage between your nostrils.
c) The second three inches of your sternum, starting from the top.
5. What does your cat think about you?
a) How stupid you are.
b) How brilliant you are.
c)Who are you again?
6. What is your favorite sound?
a) The other person’s head exploding after you’ve won the argument.
b) Your own head exploding after you’ve won the argument.
c) The whole yoga class’s heads exploding at the third “om.”
7. What one trait do you dislike about your dog?
a) His inexplicable refusal to flush the toilet.
b) That he’s lying. No one could possibly adore you that much.
c) What a stupid question.
8. Why do we die?
a) God, who doesn’t exist, hates us.
b) Oh, you know, why not.
c) We don’t.
If all answers match, guaranteed lifelong devotion.
If 80 – 90% match, guaranteed five years three months of on the whole a sound relationship.
If 70% or less match, upgrade your OkCupid membership. Send the annual $150 directly to me.
Writing Cohort Opportunity
Circe is offering: Crucible – A Year-Long Writing Cohort
Let by Gina Frangello and Emily Black, this cohort is designed for writers seeking to spend a year deeply immersed in writing or revising a book length work.
Email in**@ci*************.net for more information